What is Naturopathy

What is Naturopathy

Naturopaths use holistic treatments which target the whole body. We do this by using these 6 main principles. 

Do no harm

Do no harm

Naturopaths work to facilitate the body’s ability to heal itself naturally by utilising non-invasive treatments including gentle and complimentary medicines so that the body can follow its path to healing

The Healing Power of Nature

The Healing Power of Nature

The body has an intuitive and complex ability to maintain health and heal itself by working with nature (air, earth, water, sun) in order to regenerate and restore. This process can be supported by Naturopathic treatment modalities, a healthy diet and lifestyle advice to enable the body to heal.

Identify and Treat the Cause

Identify and Treat the Cause

Every illness has and underlying cause – understanding this is the key to being able to treat the whole person. Signs and symptoms from a physical, emotional and spiritual level allow us to evaluate and identify the root cause and commence treatment.

Treat the Whole Person

Treat the Whole Person

Naturopaths treat the whole person. A comprehensive approach to diagnosis and treatment enables strategies to be health focused and long term.

Doctor as Teacher

Doctor as Teacher

The Naturopath may be the catalyst for positive change, providing motivation for the patient to be responsible for their healing journey but ultimately the patient has the power to heal themselves with the right support.



Disease prevention is one of the main principles of the Naturopath. Analysis of risk factors through detailed case taking, constitutional susceptibility and genetic tendency and applying the appropriate interventions may decrease future disease risks for the patient. 

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